Our major vision, here at AR-CON Hellas ABEE, is both to constantly and fully meet the requirements of our client base and develop new quality products, while continuously updating existing ones.
To better achieve this vision, we are adhering to the guidelines, and are certified as per ISO 9001:2015.
The implementation of these certification guidelines enables us to offer quality products and services to our clients.
All manufacturing and distribution procedures are carefully monitored, starting from the initial conception and design of a new product and following through to its production, marketing, installation and after sales support.
AR-CON Hellas ABEE ensures that all required resources are available in order to adhere to and fulfil the directives of our quality assurance procedures. Space, equipment and continuous training of our human resources.
AR-CON Hellas ABEE, by implementing ISO 9001: 2015 pledges to comply with all administrative principles of this certification, specifically:
- Quality management.
- Human resource management.
- Operation of suitable premises.
- Predefined procedures.
- Customer satisfaction and continuous quality improvement.